Thursday 15 July 2010

Co-Creation: Facebook Fans Help Name Mascot

The Age of Social Media is making one of our long-held dreams of Interactive Marketing come true: that of Co-Creation.

By this, we mean the active collaboration of Fans and implicated customers in the creation of a New Brand's campaigns... and even new Product Development.

The concept has been actively championed by Spanish airline Spanair and now our client Cinesa has embraced the idea. Counting on the more than 58,000 fans on the Cinesa Facebook page, this "New Brand" is asking fans this week to help name the new 3D image of its well-known, yet clumsy mascot.

As many readers of this blog in Spain will know, until acquiring his new glasses, the Cinesa Duck slammed up against the company's logo again and again in cinemas across the country, just before films were shown.

Now that he is less myopic, he just needs a name.Want to help us out?

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